The Practice of the Vital Groups

Saturday, January 14, 2012

JANUARY 14 Tallahassee

After breakfast at Aaron and Charis' apartment we got together at Mike and Barbara Lynch's house with a number of saints for fellowship on what the Lord is doing. We are all impressed and our experience confirmed Brother Lee's word that we need to focus on our friends and relatives and the new ones friends and relatives. We realized our need anew to fellowship with one another to have the wisdom concerning how to care for others. By our fellowship in the groups our burden for others is maintained. It was good to hear the stories of how the Lord has caught and gained various ones. Many international students have been saved and a number gained. Our fellowship continued until after 1:30PM and continued then at a restaurant. We did not get back to the apartment until after 3:30PM.

Then at 6:30PM we gathered again at Mike and Barbara's for supper. Thirty three came from 13 countries. Many of these are graduate or post graduate students--mostly from Florida State University. Included in this number was a young couple from Iran who recently got saved, who brought an Iranian friend for the first time. Besides this one there were 3 other new ones. Two flesh sisters from Saudi Arabia (see photo in the next blog above) and one girl from Germany. It seems that the prayer that the churches have been offering to the Lord for the middle east and Europe are somewhat being answered here by the Lord bringing so many overseas students to and into the Lord's Recovery.

It was quite an enjoyable time with lots of interaction among those attending before, during and after the meal. There was singing accompanied by a number of music instruments. After some sharing on a bird's eye view of the contents of the book of Revelation, chapter by chapter, there was some singing of a chorus in several different languages including, Korea, Spanish, Iranian, and Hungarian. We left early at 10:30PM. Aaron who we are staying with is a doctor needed to get some rest for he has to be at the hospital this Lord's Day early.

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